For those interested in keeping up with the latest research, abstracts from the most recent American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting have been published. Here’s a link to a search of the abstracts that mention WM. There are eight of them. (One of them is a video of Jorge Castillo, which, it appears, we cannot view without membership or registration fee to the ASCO meeting.)
One abstract may be of particular interest, as it is a retrospective (after-the-fact) study comparing Bendamustine+Rituximab against Ibrutinib as first treatments for WM. Conclusion? “Both BR [Bendamustine+Rituximab] and Ibr [Ibrutinib] lead to comparable outcomes in patients with TN [Treatment Naive] WM, although deeper responses are attained with BR. These findings require confirmation in prospective studies.” (Your editor’s emphasis and [short form expansions] added.)
Of course, your interests may be in different abstracts. As WMers, we are all so different when it comes to the details.
(By the way, ASCO should not be confused with ASH, which is the American Society of Hematology. ASH runs a larger conference for WM abstracts, in December. We’ll post that when it becomes available, too!)