Toronto WM Support Group September Meeting

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Hello Fellow WMers

The Labour Day long weekend is upon us…our last ‘hurrah’ marking the end of our summer freedom.

School is about to start, the days are getting shorter and the mornings are beginning to feel a bit cooler. September has just arrived; and it’s ‘back to business’ and life as we know it.
And for us in the Toronto WM Support Group, that means looking forward to our first fall meeting. Now usually that meeting occurs on the last Tuesday of September, but due to unforeseen circumstances, this meeting will be postponed a couple of days to Thursday September  26 at the usual 7:00 pm.
So mark your calendars, please.
This date will be posted on our WMFC website shortly.
One or two days prior you will be receiving the ZOOM invitation for this meeting.
Looking forward to seeing both old and new friends.
Gloria McNeill and Ray (Raffaela) Mercurio 😃
Your Toronto WM Support Group co-leaders
PS: If you do not wish to receive further emails from the Toronto WM Support Group, please press reply and let us know. 
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