About Daniel Zlatin

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So far Daniel Zlatin has created 136 blog entries.

May 2021 WMFC Newsletter


A reminder that tonight is the AGM at 7:00pm EST.  A zoom link is below.   Our AGM is not very exciting but all are welcome to view. WMFC AGM via Zoom Time: May 19, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8573940250 Meeting ID: 857 394 0250 Thank you very much for all the support for both Research Month and the “Walk 10K a Day in May”.  The walk and those supporting it have raised over $20K.  Thank you.  I have been inspired by your enthusiasm and support. Tonight at the AGM I will be stepping down as Chair of the Board.  [...]

May 2021 WMFC Newsletter2021-05-19T17:47:34-04:00

May is Research Month!


Each year the WMFC has only two fundraisers.  One is for Research Month and the other is an end of year general appeal.  May 2021 is this year’s Research Month.  We are hoping to raise sufficient funds to support the ground-breaking research that the WMFC is investing in. On our May is Research Month page, you can read about the research that the WMFC is currently funding. And this year, the chair of the WMFC, Paul Kitchen, has set himself a goal: he will walk 10 km per day, every day of the month of May, to raise money for WM [...]

May is Research Month!2021-04-24T13:23:28-04:00

April 2021 WMFC Newsletter


National Zoom Meeting On Wednesday, April 7, at 7:00 pm EST, there will be a national WMFC Zoom meeting where we will discuss a number of topics that will be of interest to all Canadian WMers.  One of the topics that will be discussed is a new clinical trial in the US that one of our members is on.  Please join us.  Here is a link to the meeting: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84048441505 Meeting ID: 840 4844 1505 Research Month May 2021 will be Research Month for the WMFC.  We are proud of the research we funded in the past.  We want [...]

April 2021 WMFC Newsletter2021-04-18T20:55:57-04:00

Health Canada Approves Zanubrutinib


Zanubrutinib Approved by Health Canada Today we received notification that Health Canada has accepted Zanubrutinib as a WM treatment.  Here is a link to the announcement from BeiGene:  https://ir.beigene.com/news-releases/news-release-details/health-canada-approves-brukinsar-zanubrutinib-treatment Zanubrutinib is another BTK inhibitor and has tested to have had fewer side effects.  This is good news for WM patients who will have one more option of treatment available to them. Lymphoma Canada Survey The next step for Zanubrutinib to be funded in Canada is for a submission to be made to pCODR and INESSS.  In January the WMFC sent you a link to a survey which many of you [...]

Health Canada Approves Zanubrutinib2021-03-19T12:20:22-04:00

National Zoom: New Canada-Based WM Treatment Trial


At our National Zoom meeting on February 3, 2021, our guest was Dr. Neil Berinstein of the Toronto Sunnybrook Hospital and Odette Cancer Research Program.  For the first time in several years, we were able to hear about a clinical trial being started in Canada.  Dr. Berinstein, the principal investigator, explained the rationale for the choice of treatments being combined in this trial. The trial involves the Canadian "standard of care" treatment (Bendamustine plus Rituximab), combined with a one-year, time-limited use of Acalabrutinib.  The trial is described more formally at this Clinical Trials.gov site. To see the video of our [...]

National Zoom: New Canada-Based WM Treatment Trial2021-03-19T12:19:39-04:00

Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout: Every Province and Territory


Lymphoma Canada has done us a service by collecting together links to the rollout plans for Covid-19 vaccines, for all provinces and territories.  Obviously, these plans will change over time, so you will want to check back periodically to your province’s or territory’s plan. This table comes from a report that Lymphoma Canada has put together, answering important questions that lymphoma patients might have about the Covid-19 vaccines.  According to Lymphoma Canada: Lymphoma Canada, along with the help and support of our Scientific Advisory Board consisting of leading hematologists and oncologists from across Canada, have created a report addressing [...]

Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout: Every Province and Territory2021-01-30T20:39:14-05:00

January 2021 WMFC Newsletter


Welcome to 2021 Happy New Year.  Isn’t it great to have 2020 behind us!  Let’s hope the vaccination distribution begins to smooth out and that we are all vaccinated by the late summer. Thank you to all our WMFC supporters.  There are approximately 400 of us, and this year we received almost 300 financial contributions totalling just over $75,000.   This is fantastic support and truly demonstrates the kindness and generosity of WMers across Canada.  Your response has been most impressive during a very, very difficult year.  Thank you from all WMers in Canada for your generosity and support. National Zoom [...]

January 2021 WMFC Newsletter2021-01-29T15:51:56-05:00

Dr. Ansell on Key Knowledge Gaps for WM Research, and Covid Vaccines


The IWMF held a North America Support Group Leaders meeting on January 15, 2021 with Dr. Ansell of the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN) as the guest speaker. We’ve posted here a few approximate timestamps for topics in the video, in case you are only interested in a particular item.  But they are all worthwhile – he is an excellent speaker and explainer!  The topics covered included: (From 4:40 to 24:30)  As chair of the IWMF Scientific Advisory Committee he discusses how the committee operates.  But this is not just a dry talk about committee structures – he spends the majority [...]

Dr. Ansell on Key Knowledge Gaps for WM Research, and Covid Vaccines2021-01-27T17:35:53-05:00

Welcome to your new WMFC web site!!


Welcome to the new web presence of your WMFC!! Our goal is to have a site that is both a must-visit for those newly diagnosed, and an up-to-date site for those checking in periodically to see what treatments are new or being researched.  All WMFC events will be listed in our calendar, so if you’ve lost the date for that upcoming Support Group meeting, just check for it here. We've introduced new navigation capabilities, and created individual libraries for videos, news, and our Stories of Inspiration – check them out! We have moved to a modern suite of web-publishing tools.  But, [...]

Welcome to your new WMFC web site!!2021-01-30T20:42:12-05:00

Ibrutinib + Rituximab act independently of mutation status


Two summaries have recently appeared in the technical press, discussing the surprising results after 5 years of followup from a randomized trial involving Ibrutinib + Rituximab vs. placebo + Rituximab.  The surprise is not that the drug combination provides superior numbers.  The surprise is that the combination apparently acts independently of the patient's mutation status, unlike Ibrutinib alone. The data were presented at the recent American Society of Hematology (ASH) annual meeting. See the coverage in CureToday: Coverage in CureToday Or in Targeted Oncology: Coverage in Targeted Oncology

Ibrutinib + Rituximab act independently of mutation status2021-01-18T17:26:13-05:00
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