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So far Daniel Zlatin has created 136 blog entries.

Sept. 2020: BTK Inhibitors Transform Management of WM


In an interview with OncLive in September, 2020, Dr. Treon from DFCI discussed the various BTK inhibitors that are now available or in trials. BTK Inhibitors transform WM management Along the same lines, a very valuable discussion was moderated by Dr. Treon, including experts from Europe and Australia.  This was recorded for the Oncology Learning Network in 2019. It is available as both a video and as a transcript. Video: BTK Inhibitors for the treatment of WM Transcript: BTK Inhibitors for the treatment of WM

Sept. 2020: BTK Inhibitors Transform Management of WM2021-01-18T17:17:14-05:00

How to Manage Cancer-Related Fatigue


This animated video from Doc Mike Evans explains the effects of cancer-related fatigue. Dr. Evans explains that fatigue is the most common medical issue for cancer patients, ranking higher than pain or depression. He shares that cancer fatigue is very different than the fatigue most people face when they’re overtired or stressed, and that it has a profound effect on a person’s physical and mental health. Cancer-related fatigue can be brought on by a combination of things: the cancer itself, the side effects of cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and depression or anxiety associated with having a chronic illness. [...]

How to Manage Cancer-Related Fatigue2021-01-18T17:10:53-05:00

October 2020: New Consensus Treatment Recommendations published (IWWM-10)


The latest consensus on treatment recommendations has been published, from the tenth International Workshop for Waldenström Macroglobulinaemia (IWWM-10).  These consensus documents are, or should be, the basis for treatment everywhere.  National drug approvals, and provincial funding decisions, should (in theory) be in broad agreement with this. IWWM Consensus Guidelines -- 2020

October 2020: New Consensus Treatment Recommendations published (IWWM-10)2021-01-27T17:31:03-05:00

Sept-Nov 2020: Interviews with Dr. Ansell and Dr. Treon (Patient Power)


The website "Patient Power" recently (Sept.-Nov., 2020) published a number of interviews, both as video and as transcripts. With Dr. Ansell from the Mayo Clinic: Will there be a cure for WM? With Dr. Treon from DFCI: Are we close to a cure for WM With Dr. Treon: How are BTK Inhibitors Changing WM outcomes With Dr. Treon: When should a patient seek treatment for WM

Sept-Nov 2020: Interviews with Dr. Ansell and Dr. Treon (Patient Power)2021-01-18T17:18:51-05:00

Sept. 2020: Health Canada Starts Review of BRUKINSA(R) (Zanubrutinib)


Although this may appear as "another commercial press release from a drug company", this goes a little bit deeper for WM patients in Canada.  Beigene, having received priority status with Health Canada, is pursuing their approval for its 2nd-generation BTK-inhibitor, Zanubrutinib (Brukinsa®), for the treatment of WM.  Once Health Canada's review is complete, and assuming it is accepted, then Zanubrutinib would be on the same footing for WM patients in Canada as Ibrutinib.  Beigene will then apply to pCODR (see our very brief explanation of How Cancer Drugs Are Approved and Funded in Canada on our Canadian Questions Page), seeking [...]

Sept. 2020: Health Canada Starts Review of BRUKINSA(R) (Zanubrutinib)2021-01-18T17:23:10-05:00

August 2020: Treatment Guidance during Covid-19


Consensus Statement Published August, 2020 In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Workshop on Waldenström Macroglobulinemia (IWWM) Treatment Recommendations Panel has published a consensus statement for the management of Waldenström Macroglobulinemia (WM) patients during this challenging time. The Panel followed the current recommendations by the American Society of Hematology, which have been modified accordingly to fit the specific realities associated with the management of WM. The Panel addressed questions related to treatment initiation, preferred therapies, minimizing visit to clinics and infusions centers, supportive care and guidance for WM patients in clinical trials. It also provided information on timing [...]

August 2020: Treatment Guidance during Covid-192021-01-18T17:14:32-05:00
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