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So far Daniel Zlatin has created 140 blog entries.

Journal article: BTK Inhibitors for the Treatment of WM: A Canadian Perspective


This journal article by Dr. Frederic Larose and our frequent contributor Dr. Christine Chen compares various BTK inhibitors, and also provides comparison with and rationale for the continued use of Bendamustine + Rituximab in the Canadian context.  No new research results are presented; the article is a summary of existing knowledge, and thus can be useful to those looking to refresh their knowledge about these drugs and their histories, and the place of the drugs in the Canadian healthcare system.  . Sections include: Current treatment landscape in Canada (very readable to the lay person) Molecular rationale for targeting Bruton’s tyrosine kinase [...]

Journal article: BTK Inhibitors for the Treatment of WM: A Canadian Perspective2022-02-02T16:56:00-05:00

A report on the risk of Covid-19 to the immunocompromised: Let’s check!


A recent report on the CTV web site  (https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/breakthrough-covid-19-infections-more-severe-likely-in-immunocompromised-individuals-pfizer-study-1.5687155) discussed the results of a peer-reviewed medical paper.  The paper was a retrospective study of the effects of Covid-19 on a population of 1.2 million people fully-vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine in the US. The CTV report included the following two paragraphs.  The second of them, especially, can be construed as alarming [your editor’s clarifications added in square brackets]: Of the cohort [of 1.2 million fully-vaccinated people], 17.7 per cent were identified as immunocompromised. Some of the immunocompromising conditions in the cohort included solid tumours, kidney disease, inflammatory diseases, organ transplants and [...]

A report on the risk of Covid-19 to the immunocompromised: Let’s check!2022-02-02T16:53:55-05:00

End of Year Appeal


The WMFC Needs Your Help 90% of all Donations fund WM Research and Patient Support The WMFC is entirely a volunteer Foundation and is the only Canadian organization focused exclusively on WM, its patients, and their families.  We run only two donation campaigns per year; right now we are asking for your support for our Year End Appeal.  All donations that are received by December 31, 2021 will receive a CRA tax receipt. Our recent accomplishments and future plans include: WMFC continues to fund two Research Grants: a US $200,000 WM research grant to Dr Hunter at the [...]

End of Year Appeal2022-02-02T16:53:19-05:00

A Coincidence and a Friendship Leads to Forming a Support Group


Written by Stu Boland, Co-Leader of the Alberta Support Group. It was 1999 when a group of 12 skiers made their first trip to Chatter Creek, British Columbia for 3 days of back-country downhill skiing – a cat-skiing experience like no other.  Living conditions were very rustic.  Ski conditions were nothing short of exceptional!! The trip was organized by Cam Fraser and some of his friends. Stu Boland was invited to join the group.  Stu and Cam knew each other through a mutual friend.  Stu, and Cam and his wife Jane, lived a few blocks apart in Southwest Calgary.  [...]

A Coincidence and a Friendship Leads to Forming a Support Group2021-11-02T16:31:08-04:00

Dr. Christine Chen video: an Introduction to WM


Dr. Christine Chen from the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto presented at the recent Lymphoma Canada National Patient Conference on Lymphoma and CLL which was held on Oct.14th and 15th.  This was one of several "breakout" sessions in which different Lymphoma varieties were discussed; it was important that WM was chosen as one of them. Her 45 minute presentation covered the following WM topics: Clinical features of WM How to diagnose WM When to start treatment First-line treatment options Second-line treatments and beyond Special situations And the discussion of treatments is, of course, from a Canadian point of view. Click [...]

Dr. Christine Chen video: an Introduction to WM2021-10-23T18:02:20-04:00

National Zoom: The Role of Nutrition and Hydration


Megan Morrison, Registered Dietitian at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Malignant Hematology Program in Toronto spent time with us to talk about the role of nutrition and hydration during our journey with WM. Not everyone was able to attend the presentation live, so we recorded it.  You can view the recording here: https://iwmf-wm.zoom.us/rec/share/YSZrtFh49bhnaGCOTpp58MXO19X-dHwbcjoVVpFe8D8w_krB1GClvS0uUXzt0ku2.0M9sTAXUPNvVsyos. You'll need a password to view the video.  It is "L$?i+WY7" -- just the characters inside the double quotes.   If you are copying and pasting this string, make sure you do not include the double quotes.

National Zoom: The Role of Nutrition and Hydration2021-10-15T09:23:23-04:00

All Canadian Recommendations for 3rd Covid Vaccines for Lymphoma Patients


Lymphoma Canada has kindly put together a collection of all provincial and territorial recommendations regarding Covid vaccines, for Lymphoma patients. For your convenience, we reproduce their table of provincial links here.  But the Lymphoma Canada article goes further, with very valuable Q&As in the Canadian context.  It makes for recommended reading if you are concerned. Read their full article here Province Provincial Recommendations for the Third COVID-19 Vaccine Dose British Columbia http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/covid-19-vaccine/vaccine-registration-eligibility Alberta https://www.alberta.ca/covid19-vaccine.aspx Saskatchewan https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/health-care-administration-and-provider-resources/treatment-procedures-and-guidelines/emerging-public-health-issues/2019-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-vaccine/vaccine-booking#check-your-eligibility Manitoba https://www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/vaccine/eligibility-criteria.html Ontario https://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/pro/programs/publichealth/coronavirus/docs/vaccine/COVID-19_vaccination_rec_special_populations.pdf Quebec https://www.quebec.ca/en/health/health-issues/a-z/2019-coronavirus/progress-of-the-covid-19-vaccination/additional-dose-covid-19-vaccine Newfoundland & Labrador https://www.gov.nl.ca/covid-19/vaccine/gettheshot/ Nova Scotia https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/immunocompromised/ https://www.halifaxtoday.ca/coronavirus-covid-19-local-news/immunocompromised-should-receive-3rd-covid-19-mrna-vaccine-immunization-panel-4321929 Prince Edward Island https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-third-dose-covid-vaccine-immune-compromised-islanders-1.6175366 New Brunswick https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/corporate/promo/covid-19/nb-vaccine.html This [...]

All Canadian Recommendations for 3rd Covid Vaccines for Lymphoma Patients2022-01-13T14:54:19-05:00

Participating in a US-based trial from Canada … During a Pandemic


Ed. Note, Oct., 2021:  Ron Ternoway provides us valuable insights on what it is like to participate in a US-based clinical trial, from Canada, during a Pandemic. It's been over 14 years since my Waldenstrom's diagnosis, and I've spent half of them on clinical trials. I've shared my experiences from the patient point of view, first at the 2017 Phoenix Ed Forum (see link to video and slides below) and then in the October 2020 IWMF Torch newsletter (page 4): https://iwmf.wpengine.com/ron-ternoway-presentations/ https://iwmf.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/torch-oct-2020.pdf For the past year, in these uncertain COVID times, I have been enrolled in a US-based clinical [...]

Participating in a US-based trial from Canada … During a Pandemic2022-02-04T17:28:07-05:00

Living with WM: “What it feels like”


Our own Paul Kitchen, our past chair, provided an in-depth look into what it feels like to live with WM.  The interview touches on his familial connection with WM, his road to diagnosis, and his travel through various treatments. Read it here!

Living with WM: “What it feels like”2021-09-28T08:27:20-04:00

Updates from WMFC during Blood Cancer Awareness month


September 2021: From the WMFC Editorial Board: What's up with CAR T in Canada? New items of interest on our Web site In-person support group meetings not recommended yet The US FDA catches up to Canada by approving Zanubrutinib Launch of Two New Support Groups Request for your WM Doctor's name Rob Murenbeeld Memorial Golf Tournament Volunteers Needed   From the WMFC Editorial Board: What's up with CAR T in Canada? CAR T treatment is in the news everywhere.  How does it relate to WM?  And are there any CAR T trials going on in Canada?  Click here to check out [...]

Updates from WMFC during Blood Cancer Awareness month2021-09-27T17:57:32-04:00
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