
Another Clinical Trial Available in Canada: Nemtabrutinib


Nemtabrutinib (a.k.a. MK-1026 and ARQ 531) is a BTK inhibitor, but, similar to Pirtobrutinib (LOXO-305), has a reversible ("non-covalent") binding behaviour to the BTK site.  (For more information on its chemistry, see this site.) An open-label phase 2 trial of Nemtabrutinib, including WM patients, is now recruiting at locations around the world.  In particular, three (as of May 24/2022) Canadian locations are included: The Tom Baker Cancer Centre, Calgary, AB; Study co-ordinator is at (403) 521-3723 The Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, QC; Study co-ordinator is at (514) 340-8222, x24572 The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, ON; Study co-ordinator is at (613) 737-7700 (added [...]

Another Clinical Trial Available in Canada: Nemtabrutinib2022-05-26T17:45:39-04:00

Help Researchers Understand the Impact of Covid-19 on Canadian Blood Cancer Patients


A group of Canadian researchers is carrying on where earlier COVID-19 vaccine trials left off.  They are specifically recruiting patients with blood cancers to learn more about how the various vaccines have triggered antibody responses (or not).  We have received a specific statement that people with WM are indeed eligible to participate in the study, as long as you are not currently on an anti-CD20 treatment (i.e., Rituximab / Rituxin). From their web site: People with blood cancers have weakened immune systems due to their disease and the treatments they receive.  They also have a higher risk of severe [...]

Help Researchers Understand the Impact of Covid-19 on Canadian Blood Cancer Patients2022-02-03T12:43:55-05:00

2021 American Society of Hematology Conference: WM and Covid-19, and more


Every year, the American Society of Hematology (ASH) conference is an opportunity for the latest research from around the world to be presented.  Although conference presentations do not go through peer review (unlike journal articles), they do provide an opportunity to look into what is coming down the research pipeline. Two presentations touched on Waldenstrom's and Covid-19. reported on an ongoing study from Greece.  It compared the antibody response of WM and MM patients vaccinated with either the Pfizer or the Astra-Zeneca vaccines against a similar population of healthy controls.  Key quote:  "Active treatment with either rituximab or Bruton's Tyrosine [...]

2021 American Society of Hematology Conference: WM and Covid-19, and more2022-02-02T16:56:37-05:00

Journal article: BTK Inhibitors for the Treatment of WM: A Canadian Perspective


This journal article by Dr. Frederic Larose and our frequent contributor Dr. Christine Chen compares various BTK inhibitors, and also provides comparison with and rationale for the continued use of Bendamustine + Rituximab in the Canadian context.  No new research results are presented; the article is a summary of existing knowledge, and thus can be useful to those looking to refresh their knowledge about these drugs and their histories, and the place of the drugs in the Canadian healthcare system.  . Sections include: Current treatment landscape in Canada (very readable to the lay person) Molecular rationale for targeting Bruton’s tyrosine kinase [...]

Journal article: BTK Inhibitors for the Treatment of WM: A Canadian Perspective2022-02-02T16:56:00-05:00

A Coincidence and a Friendship Leads to Forming a Support Group


Written by Stu Boland, Co-Leader of the Alberta Support Group. It was 1999 when a group of 12 skiers made their first trip to Chatter Creek, British Columbia for 3 days of back-country downhill skiing – a cat-skiing experience like no other.  Living conditions were very rustic.  Ski conditions were nothing short of exceptional!! The trip was organized by Cam Fraser and some of his friends. Stu Boland was invited to join the group.  Stu and Cam knew each other through a mutual friend.  Stu, and Cam and his wife Jane, lived a few blocks apart in Southwest Calgary.  [...]

A Coincidence and a Friendship Leads to Forming a Support Group2021-11-02T16:31:08-04:00

Dr. Christine Chen video: an Introduction to WM


Dr. Christine Chen from the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto presented at the recent Lymphoma Canada National Patient Conference on Lymphoma and CLL which was held on Oct.14th and 15th.  This was one of several "breakout" sessions in which different Lymphoma varieties were discussed; it was important that WM was chosen as one of them. Her 45 minute presentation covered the following WM topics: Clinical features of WM How to diagnose WM When to start treatment First-line treatment options Second-line treatments and beyond Special situations And the discussion of treatments is, of course, from a Canadian point of view. Click [...]

Dr. Christine Chen video: an Introduction to WM2021-10-23T18:02:20-04:00

Living with WM: “What it feels like”


Our own Paul Kitchen, our past chair, provided an in-depth look into what it feels like to live with WM.  The interview touches on his familial connection with WM, his road to diagnosis, and his travel through various treatments. Read it here!

Living with WM: “What it feels like”2021-09-28T08:27:20-04:00

Reducing treatment toxicity in WM


A recent review publication from the experts at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston summarizes the most common adverse effects that occur during treatment.  The article was published in the journal, "Expert Opinion on Drug Safety". A summary box in the publication states: There are several  effective  and  safe  options  for  the  treatment  of Waldenström macroglobulinemia although patients should be closely monitored  during  therapy  for  the  emergence  of  treatment-specific side effects. Reduction in the  number  of  rituximab-bendamustine  treatment cycles may prevent toxicity without compromising disease outcomes. The frequency of bortezomib dosing and the manner of administration can be altered to decrease [...]

Reducing treatment toxicity in WM2021-09-21T11:22:33-04:00

WhiMSICAL Project Seeks Participants, Updated Information; You Can Help!


The WhiMSICAL registry, built through a patient-clinician investigator partnership, is a global database for WM patients to enter their own data.  Results of the WhiMSICAL study have just been published in the prestigious American Journal of Hematology (see  Key findings include the longest time to next treatment after 1st line therapy in patients treated with bendamustine rituximab, and a better quality of life in those on BTK inhibitors compared to recent chemotherapy. Over 450 patients from 19 countries contributed to this first global registry for WM.  Thank you to all who entered their data into the WhiMSICAL Registry.  Your efforts [...]

WhiMSICAL Project Seeks Participants, Updated Information; You Can Help!2021-06-20T16:45:41-04:00

Welcome to your new WMFC web site!!


Welcome to the new web presence of your WMFC!! Our goal is to have a site that is both a must-visit for those newly diagnosed, and an up-to-date site for those checking in periodically to see what treatments are new or being researched.  All WMFC events will be listed in our calendar, so if you’ve lost the date for that upcoming Support Group meeting, just check for it here. We've introduced new navigation capabilities, and created individual libraries for videos, news, and our Stories of Inspiration – check them out! We have moved to a modern suite of web-publishing tools.  But, [...]

Welcome to your new WMFC web site!!2021-01-30T20:42:12-05:00
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