
WMFC-specific news. This probably includes copies of MailChimps sent to all members.

Winter Newsletter: Quality of Life is so important!!


All our doctors agree -- Quality of Life is so important to WMers! Learn in our winter newsletter about resources available to you that can improve your Quality of Life: Look at what the Research shows Check out the IWMF Wellness Program -- a magnificent resource Meet Others Who Have Improved their Quality of Life Seek and Find Community Support Manage the Side-effects of Treatment with Good Nutrition Happy reading!

Winter Newsletter: Quality of Life is so important!!2025-02-17T18:17:34-05:00

Our September Newsletter


The leaves have begun to change. And with that a variety of colourful subjects have been included in this newsletter’s topics, the first of which is “What’s up with WMFC in Canada?”, excerpts from a presentation by Cam Fraser to the board of the IWMF. And in other news articles, our September Newsletter covers “You’re Not Alone” WMFC Population Statistics from 2021 to 2024 What Your Heart Asks and Your Pocket Can Afford, by Anne Moffat, North Bay, Ontario Eastern Ontario Support Group Potluck Enjoy all of these titles in our September Newsletter available here!

Our September Newsletter2024-09-26T18:34:18-04:00

Our May newsletter: Support Groups


Our newsletter this month is all about Support Groups. But don't let that term "support" put you off -- if you feel you don't need support, then maybe the support group needs you. We’re all treading a slightly different path with our WM so what you’ve learned and experienced along the way, and perhaps now take for granted, might be a gem of insight or information for someone just starting out. Just to say there are all kinds of reasons for attending a Support Group meeting. Some think of them as a community of like-minded people; others need some of that [...]

Our May newsletter: Support Groups2024-05-24T12:35:42-04:00

Our $200,000 Campaign!!


Thanks to our members’ generous donations over the past, we have been able commit to funding two exciting new research projects.  Now comes the hard part – we need to raise $200,000.  Our thermometer will keep track of our accomplishments as this progresses.  We'll update this post from time to time, to track our progress. In partnership with the IWMF, we are funding these two major WM research projects: We are supporting another research project with Dr. Zachary Hunter at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard University.He is looking ever more closely at the inner workings of WM with a [...]

Our $200,000 Campaign!!2024-05-11T07:21:29-04:00

Our April Newsletter: Got Test Anxiety?


As WMers, people with a chronic disease, we are subject to regular medical tests. And with those tests comes medical test anxiety. We all get it, whether all the time, or only at major points in our journey with WM. It’s a common and understandable emotional response. Our April newsletter takes a look at the physiological, psychological and emotional responses that make up medical test anxiety so you can recognize them in yourself at test time. And, more importantly, we look at what you can do to understand and manage these instinctive and powerful responses. Follow this link for our discussion [...]

Our April Newsletter: Got Test Anxiety?2024-04-14T12:02:57-04:00

Our February Newsletter: The Costs of Doing Research


If you've ever wondered where your donated dollars go when we support a research project, we take a look at the front line of the fight against WM in our newsletter this month. We also go behind the scenes to give you a glimpse of the practical and operational complexities of cancer research -- where the work takes place, the personnel required, the many and various directions of research being explored, the extraordinary tools of modern cancer research, and how modern cancer treatments finally emerge from the lab to the real world as our therapies. Follow this link and it'll give [...]

Our February Newsletter: The Costs of Doing Research2024-02-17T08:06:32-05:00

Fall Newsletter 2023


As winter approaches ... Our member survey last March had many useful suggestions for newsletter topics, one of which was ‘healthy living with WM’ so that’s what we’ll discuss as the challenges of winter pertaining to mood, mind and body approach. And in other news, our Fall Newsletter covers: At the IWMF Ed Forum in April, Brenda Rogers, the WMFC Co-Support Group Leader in Vancouver, introduced Dr Treon to our brand-new video on Newly Diagnosed WM patients that we developed in co-operation with BeiGene and CTC Communications. A welcome expansion of our Patient Support Group network – the Manitoba and Friends [...]

Fall Newsletter 20232023-11-06T17:27:30-05:00

May 2023 Newsletter: Contents


May is Research Month Spring has sprung and with May upon us, it’s time to thank you for a successful Research Month. With our fundraising and research so intertwined we’d like to give you an idea of the current state of WM research and its future so we’ve put together a simplified snapshot of a complicated issue. The WMFC is always proud to remind you that most of our donations go towards funding research.  Donations also fund our goal of taking patient education programmes like the Educational Forums online to make them more accessible across Canada.  Your donations also go to [...]

May 2023 Newsletter: Contents2023-05-31T21:02:31-04:00

WM Symptom Tracker and New WMFC Brochure


Thanks to an Educational Grant from BeiGene, we are very pleased to bring you two new, professionally-produced items: A Symptom Tracker:  Available from our web page here, you can either print this out and write on it, or download it to your device and use it as a fillable form.   This is designed for you to track symptoms that you may be aware of, physically; we're afraid you'll have to find your own way if you want to graph and track your blood test results. A new WMFC brochure:  Available from a different web page, here.  We will be distributing [...]

WM Symptom Tracker and New WMFC Brochure2022-12-14T11:17:06-05:00

Your donations at work: A Breakthrough In Research


Breakthrough research by Dr. Zachary Hunter of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, funded by donations to the IWMF and the WMFC A much more detailed and nuanced understanding of the biology of Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia has emerged from research funded by WMFC donors. The study by Dr. Zachary Hunter of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston is a very sophisticated search for new research directions -- “Multiomic Analysis of DNA, RNA and Epigenomic Networks in WM”. To conduct a multiomic analysis Dr. Hunter’s research group combined a very broad range of data from various sources; clinical data, mutation studies, [...]

Your donations at work: A Breakthrough In Research2022-12-01T18:17:52-05:00
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