Physician Info

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BTK Degrader Trial Now Recruiting in Canada


Clinical trial NCT05006716 of Beigene’s BGB-16673, a Bruton Tyrosine Kinase Targeted Protein Degrader, is recruiting patients in Calgary, Edmonton, Québec, Vancouver, and Toronto.    Official title of the study: A Phase 1/2, Open-Label, Dose Escalation and Expansion Study of the Bruton Tyrosine Kinases Targeted Protein Degrader BGB-16673 in Patients with B-cell Malignancies.  For more information, see the trial's description on the NIH website.

BTK Degrader Trial Now Recruiting in Canada2025-03-03T09:31:33-05:00

State of the art review of WM


Two journal article provide an end-to-end review of WM.  Co-authored by experts from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, they are highly recommended to all practitioners. Part 1: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Clinicopathologic Characteristics, Differential Diagnosis, Risk Stratification, and Clinical Problems is available at Part 2: Focus on Therapy is available at  

State of the art review of WM2025-03-03T09:26:05-05:00

New WM Clinical Trial on the West Coast: Treatment Naive and R/R


NCT05952037 ( is using a new BCL-2 inhibitor, Sonrotoclax, and is strictly for WM patients.  The trial is world-wide, but is recruiting in just one location in Canada, in North Vancouver, at the Lions Gate Hospital Chemotherapy Clinic.  It has several arms running in parallel:  one is for treatment-naive patients; the other three are for Relapsed/Refractory patients with various treatment histories.

New WM Clinical Trial on the West Coast: Treatment Naive and R/R2024-08-07T20:38:48-04:00

Essential Information: A Physician’s Guide


This booklet provides a compilation of current knowledge on the diagnosis, treatment, and established protocols for WM.  Complete with references to published papers, throughout, it has been modified with a small number of Canadian-specific footnotes.  Authored by two WM specialist MDs from the Bing Center for WM at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, it is presented in partnership with the International Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia Foundation (IWMF).

Essential Information: A Physician’s Guide2023-11-17T16:45:46-05:00

Zanubrutinib vs Ibrutinib in Symptomatic WM: Final Analysis From the Randomized Phase III ASPEN Study


Quoting from the paper, published in ASCO's Journal of Clinical Oncology: "Extended follow-up results confirm improved long-term safety and tolerability of zanubrutinib compared with ibrutinib and support deeper, earlier, and more durable responses in patients with WM regardless of previous treatment or CXCR4 and MYD88 mutational statuses."

Zanubrutinib vs Ibrutinib in Symptomatic WM: Final Analysis From the Randomized Phase III ASPEN Study2023-08-04T08:31:19-04:00

IWWM-11: Highlights of the Workshop, and What was Learned


A concise summary of the entire 11th International Workshop on WM, entitled What we learned, and how it will impact scientific discovery and patient care, is available here, as published in the journal Seminars in Hematology.

IWWM-11: Highlights of the Workshop, and What was Learned2023-06-18T13:08:10-04:00

Diagnostic and Response Criteria: IWWM-11 Consensus Panel 4


Consensus Panel 4 (CP4) of the 11th International Workshop on Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia (IWWM-11) was tasked with reviewing the current criteria for diagnosis and response assessment.  Their report is available here.

Diagnostic and Response Criteria: IWWM-11 Consensus Panel 42023-04-20T08:15:56-04:00

Management of WM-Related Amyloidosis: IWWM-11 Consensus Panel 6


Consensus Panel 6 (CP6) of the 11th International Workshop on Waldenström's Macroglobulinemia (IWWM-11) was tasked with reviewing the state of the art for diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy of AL amyloidosis associated with Waldenström macroglobulinemia (WM).  Their report is available here.

Management of WM-Related Amyloidosis: IWWM-11 Consensus Panel 62023-04-18T21:09:54-04:00

Clinical Trial Priorities for WM: IWWM-11 Consensus Panel 7


Consensus Panel 7 (CP7) of the 11th International Workshop on WM was convened to examine the current generation of completed and ongoing clinical trials involving novel agents, consider updated data on WM genomics, and make recommendations on the design and prioritization of future clinical trials.  Their report is available here.

Clinical Trial Priorities for WM: IWWM-11 Consensus Panel 72023-04-15T17:13:28-04:00

COVID-19 Prophylaxis and Management: IWWM-11 Consensus Panel 5


Consensus Panel 5 (CP5) of the 11th International Workshop on Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia (IWWM-11; held in October 2022) was tasked with reviewing the current data on the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) prophylaxis and management in patients with Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia (WM).  Their report is available here.

COVID-19 Prophylaxis and Management: IWWM-11 Consensus Panel 52023-04-15T17:08:34-04:00
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