Here is a list of websites that contain useful information about WM and also some information about the COVID-19 virus.

The Covid-19 pandemic is a concern to all of us. You can hear and read recommendations for the WM community below, from the experts that we rely on for WM knowledge.
ASH abstract: How good are Covid vaccines in WMers?
From the American Society of Hematology (ASH) conference, in December (2022): The full abstract title is "Clinical Effectiveness and Long-Term Serologic Responses of COVID-19 Vaccination in Patients with Multiple Myeloma and Waldenström Macroglobulinemia". But let's cut to a very quick [...]
COVID-19 Resource Hub
The Gastrointestinal Society has created a COVID-19 Resource Hub. Information about it says: “Everything you need to know about COVID-19, including information on symptoms, prevention, testing, treatments, and variants is available in one place at The site includes active [...]
Paxlovid: Getting Hold of It
As you all know, the WM community has many members who are immunocompromised. This can be for several reasons: they are on, or have recently been on, chemotherapy treatment for the disease (especially Rituxin / Rituximab) they are on BTK [...]
Covid-19 Antiviral Treatments: Availability
Paxlovid is an oral anti-viral treatment, approved by Health Canada. It is used only once one has contracted Covid-19, and usage must begin within 5 days of symptom onset. We know that some provinces, for example Ontario, have published [...]
Help Researchers Understand the Impact of Covid-19 on Canadian Blood Cancer Patients
A group of Canadian researchers is carrying on where earlier COVID-19 vaccine trials left off. They are specifically recruiting patients with blood cancers to learn more about how the various vaccines have triggered antibody responses (or not). We have [...]
2021 American Society of Hematology Conference: WM and Covid-19, and more
Every year, the American Society of Hematology (ASH) conference is an opportunity for the latest research from around the world to be presented. Although conference presentations do not go through peer review (unlike journal articles), they do provide an opportunity [...]