WMFC Brochures
Our new brochure is now available! In English and in French. Print a couple off and drop them off with your hematologist, for their other WM patients, or for posting in the hospital or clinic!
(Note that it expects to be folded in a three-panel format, so it may look a bit confusing if you are just looking at the flat document on the screen or hot off the printer. The front panel has our logo on it; the back panel has “Join us NOW” in large letters.)
WMFC Newsletters
Every month or two, the WMFC sends out a newsletter to its members. The newsletters are another way to enhance communication with its members. They may include information about upcoming events, research updates, support group meetings announcements and much more.
If there is a “WMFC News” image below, click on it to go directly to the newsletter for that month. If not, click on the title, and you will go to a page that has links to multiple newsletters from our recent past.
How Your Donations to the WMFC are Put to Work
Did you know that over the past 5 years, the [...]
News and Updates from your WMFC!
February 2022: Thank you!! Calgary Ed Forum Upcoming National Zoom [...]
Bulletin: Who do you know …
Who do you know that can help us fund [...]
End of Year Appeal
The WMFC Needs Your Help 90% of all [...]
Updates from WMFC during Blood Cancer Awareness month
September 2021: From the WMFC Editorial Board: What's up with [...]
WMFC: Launching Canadian WM Blog + Research Month Success
June 2021: Introducing the New Canadian WM Blog Join the [...]