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Our $200,000 Campaign!!

2024-05-11T07:21:29-04:00May 10th, 2024|Newsletters|

Thanks to our members’ generous donations over the past, we have been able commit to funding two exciting new research projects.  Now comes the hard part – we need [...]

BRAWM Trial Approaching Completion

2024-03-14T18:18:45-04:00March 13th, 2024|News|

The WMFC has been closely following the progress of the BRAWM trial because it is the only Canadian clinical treatment trial strictly for WM patients.   As Principal Investigator Dr. [...]

The WMFC’s next research projects

2023-12-27T11:33:17-05:00December 27th, 2023|News|

With your kind donations and in partnership with the IWMF, the WMFC has committed $100,000, over two years, towards each of the following major WM research projects: Following our support [...]

AI applied to WM??

2023-11-07T10:14:44-05:00November 7th, 2023|News|

Your editors recently acquired access to an older version of ChatGPT (3.5, if anyone is tracking these things).  Being of an inquiring mind, they gave the system the following [...]

Fall Newsletter 2023

2023-11-06T17:27:30-05:00November 6th, 2023|Newsletters|

As winter approaches ... Our member survey last March had many useful suggestions for newsletter topics, one of which was ‘healthy living with WM’ so that’s what we’ll discuss as [...]

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